Friday, 25 January 2013

Committed, Are You?

People can't commit, yes that word: COMMIT, to another person under the covenant of marriage because they haven't committed to God. They have a 'back up' plan, they have a way out, they have a 'just in case'. Just in case God don't come through for me, just in case He somehow magnificently fails me I'll have somewhere else to go.

Why are we always looking for that something else? Why do we sing "I surrender all" but have a lil bit held on to? And all that lil bit is doubt; God might not come through, we sing how great God is but doubt that He will actually part our Red Seas, we sing how He is our everything but don't run to Him unless we're up the creek without a paddle, Jesus I need a paddle.

God hurts too, I don't care how powerful He is, I don't care how majestic He is, He cares and if He didn't care He wouldn't hurt, He hurts too and so many times carry on hurting Him with our thoughts, our actions, our back up plans, and everything else that we place above and before Him; idols.

But I hear God saying: "why can't you just trust Me? Wholly and totally? I sent My Son! I gave you the only pure thing I had left in this world, I gave you purity so you can be like Him. Pure. I did that, I manifested Myself in the flesh to wash you and make you whole and you think I'm gonna leave you hanging? You think I'm gonna leave you in the pit? Even Joseph was delivered out of the pit! You think I can't FEEL your pain? You think I don't know how much it hurts for you to go through tests, trials and tribulations? But how else am I going to show myself strong? How else am I going to flex my muscles and show you that I am The Lord, the same God, how else? I have a plan that's perfect, predestined before the foundations of the earth is what I said, why then, can't you just trust Me? All that you're asking Me for is nothing! I am MORE than able to do it, how much able are you to trust me?"

We can't commit to a person we can see until we commit to the Invisible Lover, Lord I don't feel like it; I'm mad at You but I'm gonna talk to you tonight, I'm gonna pray and I'm gonna listen to You through Your Word is equivalent to 'honey you upset me today but I'm gonna talk to you cuz we are one body, we share the same bed, I don't love you any less, I'm committed to you'
The ring on the left hand ring finger is equivalent to the crown, the crown of thorns laid upon Jesus' head, IT'S A COMMITMENT!!!

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, don't think as the world does about marriage.

Ladies, the Lord told me that anything He gives me is supposed to draw me closer to Him, if He blesses me with a man, that man is supposed to draw me closer to The Lord, if he respects his God, he'll protect your purity! Him being pure also will know how important purity is. It's cliché, I know but a man is supposed to KNOW and value your worth. He supposed to take me closer to The Lord and that's not in his bed unless he put a ring on it. My job is to enable him to take me there, feed him, nurture him, love him, make him feel loved, put his shoes on if I have to, anything that makes him leading me easier, anything that makes it easier from him to hear from The Lord, he can't hear from God if He's worried about what's for dinner tonight, he can't hear from God if he's listening to his thoughts about housekeeping all the time, and yes I'll know God for myself but he has come to take me closer to God and I have to know that he's hearing from God, I have to KNOW that his thoughts, his heart is ALWAYS open to hear from God!!

Submission is the word used to describe it. Commitment is the word used to describe it. Trust, in The Lord in all your doings and He will do the rest.

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