Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Marriage Is A Ministry

Not many people know this, in fact, I didn't know up until very recently. I read it before but didn't understand, that and submission. I got it when someone described serving your husband like serving God, you first have to submit to God - to His will and His way before you understand how to submit to a man. That's how a marriage works. But how does that explain how marriage is a ministry? It doesn't, it just gives a background but this is how I understand how it works: you learn through singleness how to submit to God how to listen to Him when He speaks and understand His way. You know what pleases Him and what He dislikes and you live your life according to what pleases Him. That sounds like a lot to give to a man doesn't it? Well that's exactly how a marriage works! Imagine now you're physically single but in a relationship with God, you're submitting to God though. God sends to you a man that He has ordained - think of how a pastor has to go through training exams and tests then he is ordained in the church as a pastor - same way God has put a man who's to become a husband through the motions, testing his faith and patience, his love for God before ordaining him as someone's husband. God only picks the best for His children, not only that but God, after testing these men, sees whether or not they're suitable for YOU! And after putting His man through all this He wants a woman to treat His ordained king properly. The same way you treat God - except worshiping him of course - that part is left for God, that goes without saying. 
But that is how it should be, wives submitting to their husbands and obviously - this way - you serving a man of God is a ministry. 
So take your time, worship your God, know your God, please your God, know what true submission means. Don't rush into it because marriage is for a lifetime, as is serving your God. 
1 Corinthians 7 v 34 - the difference between a married woman and a single woman. 
Where are you? 

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