This one is for the 9-5 working WOMAN of God,
This one is for the going to night school WOMAN of God,
This one is for the WOMAN of God who has the loudest praise because she has a lot to give thanks for,
This one isn't for any ole' woman,
This one is for the WOMAN of God, who still trusted God when she couldn't see anything in the cupboard,
This one is for the WOMAN of God who kept herself for God,
This one is for the WOMAN of God who had the option to sell her body for food but gave her soul to God instead knowing that He would provide,
This one is for the WOMAN of God who has her childrens' eyes looking back at her, as she looks back from the empty cupboard,
This one is for that WOMAN of God,
That one who smiled through the pain,
That one who praised even so much more harder through the pain,
That one who taught her children how to pray,
That one who loved God in spite of her circumstances,
That one who can't see a way out even today,
That one who is being dragged through life by the hem of His garment refusing to let go,
That one who will accept the crumbs from the Masters table,
That one who can't see tomorrow but trusts The One who holds it,
And that one who is being ridiculed for her faith,
That one who seems to have lost hope.......but is still holding out hope,
That one who thinks it's easier to sin than live like this......but holds on anyway,
That one who can't see any light at all in that tunnel.....but holds on anyway,
This one is for that WOMAN of God, that God-fearing, walk to church if I have to, pay my tithes even if it means I'm gonna be broke, sing with my sore throat, sleep at church not to miss a service, build a ministry from ground up, sing in the choir, sing on praise and worship, do the announcements, do hospitality, be moderator........
This is for that WOMAN who knows God is her everything and she behaves like He's the only one for her,
This is for her..... God sees and He knows, He'll never leave you alone, to Him; you're the only girl in the world, He'll never leave you or forsake you and that you are a Queen in His eyes.
My sistren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
Taken from James 1:2-4
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