Sunday 29 July 2012

Yahweh or the Highway

Yahweh –the Lord is God, I AM WHO I AM, the God of Israel,
He has a way,
A way of doing things,
A way to prosper you, to bring you into His marvellous light and keep you,
To bring you through trials and tests just to prove He IS God,
He will harden the heart of your Pharaoh,
He can put you through the pit,
Through it all it is His way,
God is looking for a people that will go His way; ALL the way,
He is looking for a people like Job,
He is preparing a people like that,
Yahweh wants people to choose His way,
His way is the best way and you’ll never see that till you’ve done been through your way,
On the road in your will, He’ll offer you many exits, He place people along the road of your way to give you a way out,
The best way, His way,
He doesn’t want you to do your way cuz your way will get you into trouble,
With the law and with your elders,
He doesn’t want to see you hurt,
His way is way better than yours,
Cuz He holds your tomorrow and the day after,
And forever,
He holds,
He knows you’re gonna fall if you walk down that road,
Don’t complain when He sends the workmen in to block the road off,
He says in His Guide Book that He plans for you are good and not evil,
Do not be discouraged or dismayed,
Just think what Joseph had to go through,
Through the whole way he remembered that he wants to do God’s way,
No one knows what happened, if Joseph even had a highway, I mean his way,
He had his eyes so fixed on God he was willing to suffer anything,
And acknowledge at the end that God in fact sent him there to preserve life,
My God! And His way eh?
His own Son,
God and Him one Son,
And even though His Son asked Him to take the cup away from Him,
He still did His Father’s way,
Our Father’s way,
Not our will but our Father’s be done.
It is His way,
If we don’t go through hard times we won’t be strengthened,
If people don’t kick us when we’re down we won’t know the strength we had, To use to get up,
We won’t know HIS STRENGTH made perfect in us when we’re weak,
We won’t know the feeling of invincibility through Him who strengthens us,
All in His way though,
We do have to surrender our will to His,
We do have to have no way but His way,
We have to desire His will above ours,
To see His way,
His wonderful way – not the highway - our way!

Be Inclusive - Not Exclusive

We are all called to Him,
All through one Spirit,
Saved by the same blood that was shed,
Baptised in the same Trinity,
Fair enough our callings are all different,
We are all One Blood and One Race now yeah?
Inclusive, including all, everyone’s welcome, open invitation, no one’s excepted,
God’s love brought us here in the first place right?
We are all here because of Him,
So what if God excluded you?
Told you you couldn’t be saved because you don’t have the right colour hair?
We know that don’t sound like God because He made you!
Like that,
Jesus walked the earth,
He spoke to whores and jammed with the sick,
The point of that was to save souls,
And we should be more like Christ init?
Have you ever spoken to a prostitute?
Not minister, not shove God down their throat, just a kind word, a hug?
Or did you quickly dismiss?
Did you know your blessing could be wrapped in them?
They could be the only one God doesn’t destroy,
That harlot,
And think of the story of Joseph the dreamer,
Sold, SOLD by his own brothers because he shared a dream,
Sent into Egypt to preserve life though,
Imagine, an ex-prostitute saving your life after you sold him/her out to save your own image,
Imagine your brother giving you life after you literally sold his……..
Remember the stone which was rejected by builders, became the CHIEF cornerstone,
You could be dismissing your blessing,
All inclusive,
Like a holiday ticket,
Leaving no rides, I mean no one out,
Including the leper, the drunk and that one over there with the foul mouth,
You may be the only Jesus someone sees,
But are you a TRUE representation of Him,
Are you sharing your testimony so that others can know how you came out?
What tools you used to survived,
Or are you finding your way out and then blowing the light out so others cant find their way?
Are you ALL in, inclusive?
Sharing the love that you found?
Are you?
Remember God poured out His Spirit on ALL flesh, Not just the kind hearted, not just the rich,
Upon all flesh, So not time, include the brother that don’t smell to right,
He may just need that to save his life
Be inclusive.....

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Spiritual Marathon - Never Give Up!

For you to finish the marathon; you have to start at the beginning,
Preparation and fitness go a long way in crossing the finish line,
Spiritually fit, are you?
Have you had your spiritual five-a-day?
Have you exercised the fruit of the Spirit today?
Have you?
Are you ready?
Remember this is not a sprint,
Your start has no memory to it,
It’s a marathon – it goes on for ages!
People will remember how you overcame “the wall”
People are going to remember how you recovered from you fall,
What will be remembered are the ones who were forgotten,
The ones who were at the back,
Who appear out of nowhere to win,
Your testimony – your past is just as important as where you are going,
Your baton you pass on to others to finish the race,
The more determination you have; the stronger you become,
Once you run out of excuses to not continue,
And stop leaning on people who are falling,
And things that don’t hold strong,
You find yourself at rock bottom, at “the wall”
And that’s where God needs you,
There, rock,
You find yourself there alone,
With God,
Because friends don’t understand,
And family have abandoned you,
You find yourself blaming whose fault it wasn’t,
But God!
Is there at rock bottom to be your,
To stand on, to rely on,
He starts to build you up,
Feeding His Word to you, in chunks you can digest,
And you find yourself with a lil more energy than you thought you had,
And that’s His Spirit,
He’s broken down “the wall” and He’s pushing you on,
And even though you may go where He doesn’t send you,
He’s still always there with you,
You know when become like Jonah and get lost in the marathon,
You think He’s giving you more than you can handle,And board the ship to Tarshish, get thrown overboard and end up in the fish’s belly,
When 3 days in there feels like 3 years – that’s where God works best,
When you have no place else to go!
God is there,
His Spirit pursued you,
Spat you out on to dry land, set you back on your way,
You find your Rock at rock bottom “the wall”
And on the Rock – the Solid Rock – you stand
When you can testify youre still standing
Still standing but on what?
The Rock!
And as heavy as your Rock is, it will cause you to float,
Like a butterfly,
And though the marathon may be a lil bit rough at times,
Youre standing on the Solid Rock that causes you to float,
Through to the finish line,
Not by power or by might BUT His Spirit,
Because God says you should,
You will,
Its in His will; He’ll make a way,
You just have to maintain your spiritual diet and exercise
And His Spirit will reside in you,
With Him what can you NOT do?
It’s a Spiritual Marathon – Never Give Up!!!!!

Sunday 1 July 2012

Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Family is more important than friends my mother used to say,
What’s family though?
What’s blood though?
Family: to protect, nurture, guide and love.
What if you have water like this and blood the complete opposite?
What then?
But what is blood?
Who’s blood?
Where is this blood?
The irony of being born again,
And having bloodshed, being a new man, taking right hand of fellowship into a new family,
Does that mean I’m part of a new family?
The blood that was shed on Calvary should run through your veins,
You have been born through your natural mother through natural birth,
Through the spiritual re-birth,
You have buried the old man,
Now you’re in Christ, old things have passed away,
Behold! All things have become new!
The blood that was shed now runs through your veins!
Your blood has now become thicker than blood and water,
A new family in Christ, all one in the body of Christ.
The point is your new family should take priority, precedence over your natural family,
You are now responsible for the upliftment and nurturing of your brothers, aunts and cousins in Christ,
As they are too,
Remember the blood, His blood, that seals the covenant God made with His people,
The sacred and holy blood of the ultimate sacrifice now runs through your veins
His blood is thicker than blood and water.

I Belong To You

Every week we have a rendition from the Sign Team at church. I’m almost never interested in the signing but what ministers to me most is the song they minister with. It’s the way the young man introduces the song, and even if they repeat a song, as they have done before, he always manages, through his relationship with God, shed new light on the whole song or a line in the song. We also have a theme/topic for each service and the young man tends to tie in the song with the theme/topic.

Last week Sunday 24/06/2012, the topic was Praise & Worship Sunday, we generally don’t have a theme for Sundays like that. The Sign Team did the song Conqueror by Vashawn Mitchell. I felt it, I sang it, I was with it, I knew all the words I believed it, I knew it! I AM a conqueror, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I am, I am MORE than a conqueror” yeah it was cool. Bro. Troy’s introduction of it was well wicked as well, his words gave me a sort of conviction. I know I am MORE than a conqueror, Bro. Troy said when we say that we should say it like we believe it, stand on the words because it’s God’s word, believe it! I did.

Today Sunday 01/07/12 was Communion & Consecration Service, believers I need not explain that part and the topic was ‘Blood Is Thicker Than Water’ the song the Sign Team did was William McDowell’s ‘I Belong To You’, it’s a song I KNOW, when I say I know this song I mean I listened to it tons of times, I sang it yes. But the song Bro. Troy introduced was the title ‘I Give Myself Away’ by the same artist. This is actually funny because the song I Belong To You has a refrain in it from the song I Give Myself Away, or vice versa, either way they have the same words in both of them.

What Bro. Troy was saying, even though about the song I Give Myself Away, is that with true worship, you need to be totally and ultimately submitted to God, you need to literally give yourself away. You can go to church and lift your hands, sing jump and shout – that’s praise - but what is your heart like? I’ve heard this said about a sincere heart so many times but it hit home harder than usual.

Worship takes on a whole different meaning, to me, it’s where you reach that place with your God, where nothing else really matters, its where the Holy Spirit visits you and takes you to a place of worship and in the words of William McDowell’s song ‘Place Of Worship’ “don’t care who sees, don’t care who hears” it’s that place.

The moral of the story is: I had to question myself, while everyone else was praising to the song the Sign Team was ministering with, I was grounded to my seat, in deep meditation about my heart; my worship. Have I given myself away? Completely, holding nothing back. Have I? Am I trus  ting totally in His wisdom? Or leaning on my own understanding? Have I surrendered to His will? Or am I still tryna walk in my way? Does He have control? Or do I still try to tell Him how my life should be lived?
These questions stuck with me. How much am I really giving shouldn’t be a question. It should be all. You can’t give Him your heart without the rest of your body because your heart needs the rest of your body to function. It can’t work all by itself, give Him your whole self and stand behind Him and watch Him live life through you and be blessed.