Saturday 24 November 2012

I Heard It Said..

So I heard it said, that You died to save me but I'm a lil bit sceptical cuz You don't even know me,
Then I heard it said that from before I was in the womb You ordained me,
Bruv I swear You're mad, cuz there's no way a mess like that could be ordained by a deity like You,
I then heard it said that it was pre-destined,
You pre-destine mess?
Now I know You're taking the mick...
Now I know that this thing You gave me called life is just one big J-O-K-E joke!
The fact can't be overlooked that You gave life to me though,
So what's its purpose?
To be messed up?
You use mess?
You love mess?
Oh no, I heard it said that You just love cleaning it up,
You'll wash me in Your blood?
This is a joke!
A big fat stinkin' joke!
Cuz how can blood cleanse me?
That thing stains like crazy,
Especially on white fabric G-
But if that's the case,
O-D me with that then,
Cuz I heard it said it has power,
Power to cleanse heal and save,
Fam, I'm sorta intrigued to know how You're gonna do that still...
Cuz things that stain,
Well You know,
Only have the power to stain!
So what You gon' do then G?
But what I really wanna know is WHY?!
What do You have to gain from cleaning up a mess like me?
Cuz see I'm still a lil bit sceptical,
Everyone and they grandma in this world has an ulterior motive for doing things for free...
So what's Yours G?
Them people, (dem can chat yu si)
They told me that all You require is for me to love You,
G, You confuse me,
But imma try and get it straight,
This is the deal:
You'll clean me, I testify that You can,
You'll feed me, clothe me, provide for me, guide me, teach, strengthen and comfort me,
And ALL I do for You is love You back G?!
Naaaaah man!
That sounds a lil but dodgy,
Wouldn't You agree?
Maybe I still wanna know why,
How could you love a mess like me?
There must be something more You want from me,
Have You met this world G?
I'm telling You, NOBODY does anything for free,
But I'm wasting breath telling You something You already know,
And wasting time tryna fight off what's probably already mine,
But I still don't get it G,
All I have to do is love Thee?
I heard it said that You first, loved me...

Monday 12 November 2012

Keep Calm: God Is Able

Lonely? or even alone?
........................ One word, one mention of His name, 
The name at which demons tremble at,
The Name above all names, 
Just His name, 
One preacher says: He needs no introduction, He is God all by Himself, 
He doesn't need you to take control of the situation, 
He's perfectly capable of that, 
He needs you to Keep Calm, 
He needs you to fling yourself into the trust that He is able, 
Able to do exceedingly and abundantly!
He needs you to have the peace that surpasses ALL understanding, 
He wants to give you the favour that makes no sense, 
The joy unexplainable, 
He wants you to hook up with His Holy Spirit, 
Breathe Him like you need Him like you an oxygen mask, 
Like you're hooked to an IV machine, 
Connected like WIFI, you can't see Him but the connections visible, 
And strong, 
He wants you to be anxious for nothing, 
He is the same God who was able to part the Red Sea, 
The same God that led His people by pillar of cloud and pillar of fire, 
What is too hard for Him?
Has His arm been shortened? 
He wants you to trust in Him with ALL your might, 
He wants you to Keep Calm for He is able

Friday 9 November 2012

Amazing Grace

Amazing was the grace that caught me when it did, 
Amazing was the grace that looked beyond my faults to see my needs, 
To see the need that my soul needed saving, 
Amazing was the grace that saved my soul, 
Amazing was the grace that kept me till I answered the call, 
Amazing is the grace that warms my soul,
Amazing is the grace that graces me with His magnificent presence, 
Amazing is the grace that lets me see the enemy for who he is, 
The enemy that is mad with me for not staying on his side, 
An enemy that can't get me back to wallow in sin, 
An enemy that continues to tempt in all manner of sin, 

Still flows from His side, 
The same amazing grace that sent His Son to die, 
That I'll never know, never be able to answer, 
Let's just call it AMAZING GRACE, 
Can't label or describe or define, 
Can't categorize or confine, 
One preacher said: you can thank Him for your car, house and fiiiiiine husband, 
But I will alwyas thank Him for the amazing grace, 
The amazing grace, 
Amazing grace, 
The amazing grace guides, protects and perfects, 
Amazing grace, 
Oh my Lord, amazing grace, 
This isn't for everyone to understand, 
See you have to go through some stuff to KNOW He's amazing, 
To know the grace is amazing, 
To know the mercy and favour that will follow, 
I know some might understand, 
And before this gets too long, 
I just have to say: IT WAS AMAZING GRACE! 

Thursday 25 October 2012

Just Imagine

Can u imagine if the sky was purple? Or red? Or if the grass was blue? Or orange? See God knows exactly what He's doing, not only did He orchestrate the world into being, but He also told who to be what colour. His vast imagination chose colours of rocks, which seemingly has no colour. He said to earth: be and it was. A Man of great detail who imparted a bit of it to Noah, a Man of creativity, who specified to Moses how His temple should look. One word; beautiful. And that's who He is, the I Am That I Am, who is simply just everything!

Wednesday 29 August 2012


Sometimes you have to go away to see God in a different light,
Today, He took me into the countryside,
I'm giving thanks for sight today,
A drive in to the countryside made me appreciate the gift of sight,
Made me appreciate how much God takes care of us WITH His earth,
Showing me His sky,
Which is where I got my favourite colour,
The sun is out, it's heat pelting down,
You'd never know it through the trees that provide a perfect shade,
I saw hills that beckoned, nearly teased me to climb them just to see what's on the other side,
I saw, from hills, streams of water that just trickled delicately down,
Singing a soft tune,
Trickling down melodies,
Showing off their Daddy, their Maker,
I saw cows that provoked memories of a simpler time in my life,
He knows I love to see running water or large bodies of still water and today He showed me them in abundance,
Reminding ME of my Maker,
I saw baby sheep feeding in the fields reminding me that He is my Shepherd,
I shall not want,
And how He provides food for them to eat,
How much more so He will do for me,
I saw hills that looked nearly impossible to climb and reminded me that I can do all things through Him,
Those same hills, mountains even, went up to glorious peaks,
Showing off His creativity
The simplicity of breathing,
The creativity of His 'man'
How He provides ALL we need to thrive...
All in all reminding me that He is....

Tuesday 28 August 2012


Say what you mean,
Mean what you say,
Don't let it leave your mouth if you're not willing to do it,
Rebuke it from your thoughts if you know you can't handle it,
Believe life and death is in the power of your tongue,
So if you say it.....
I don't need to spoon feed you,
You should know what time it is,
It's time to start owning up to your thoughts,
Cuz they soon become your words then actions,
It's time to stop making empty promises,
It's time to stop making promises you have no intentions to fulfill,
That, friends, is what we call a lie,
It's that time to start owning up to what you think,
Because, again, thoughts become words become actions,
It's time for a heart check,
1, 2, check,
Stop thinking what you don't mean,
Then it won't be so hard to say what you mean,
Even then even easier to mean what you say


You only live once I heard them say,
I can do whatever I want in this life,
I only live once,
I can treat His temple the way I please,
I only live once,
In this life there's only one shot,
There's no resits, no do-overs, no re-takes,
So here's your options:
Live right or live wrong,
You only live once so are you going up or down?
You only live once so do you want to burn in hell or reign with Him with a crown?
You only live once,
You only have one chance to get it right,
You only live once,
There's only one chance to end up high and holy,
You only live once,
There's only one chance to follow Him solely,
You only live once,
I think I've said that enough,
But you only live once
So go, take a shot.
"you gon' live forever whether you want to or not,
Some of us gon' end up holy, some of us gon' end up hot" - Lecrae


I conned my self into thinking that I was okay in the world,
Dirty words flowed out of my mouth,
Addictions filled my soul
CONvinced myself this is the right way to go,
This is the way to survive,
Low and sinful,
CONvinced I was doing right,
This was before I came in contact with the Holy Spirit,
Unseen but His presence felt,
I was in God's court, a CONVICT,
On trial for my sins I committed,
I wasn't afraid,
As I knew of the gentle forgiveness God gives,
Just before he sends His Holy Spirit to CONVICT one's heart,
The Holy Spirit CONVICTs your heart and changes your lifestyle,
Words leave your mouth unexplainable,
Feelings tingle your body making you wanna cry out to Him,
The work of the precious Holy Spirit,
And by that you're CONVICTED,
You WANT to change your ways,
You want to feel His grace,
You want to dwell at His feet,
You want Him to be your Saviour,
Then after that it goes past a want or desire,
You get to the point where you NEED His holy presence,
Congratulations you're CONVICTED,
Glory to His name you're CONVICTED

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Recipe For Life

At the end of this God wants you to search your heart for the answer…….

I was having a conversation with my aunt the other day about a certain meat I don’t like because every time I make it it comes out different, sometimes good and sometimes bad.

She asked meDo you follow a recipe?”
I answeredNo I don’t you know, I cook by sight
She then saidWell, if you follow a recipe, it will come out good every time

My auntie loves a good recipe book and has a whole shelf in her kitchen dedicated to recipe books, she’ll pop one out every time she making something and won’t cook without a recipe unless she studied a recipe and feels confident enough to cook a dish without one.
I don’t, I just learnt to cook by throwing in whatever you have and what seems like it will go with something; adjust if necessary, taste and add.

Something about this stirred my spirit days later, I can’t remember what I was thinking about but I applied this to the Christian walk.
When I first got baptised, I did it because it was what everyone else what doing, I was doing it by sight and not because I referred to “the Recipe Book” I went to baptism classes and when asked why do I want to get baptised; I gave the most generic, cliché answer: because I believe that Jesus died on the cross. While that was true; I did believe Jesus died for me, I had no idea why! Why did God send His Son to die for my sins? What is sin anyway? It meant nothing to me at the time. I was living a Christian life by sight, I was getting baptised because every one was getting baptised, I wanted to fit in, I wanted to roll with the cool kids and say I was baptised, I wanted to wear that label.
When the altar call was made to be filled with the Holy Spirit, I was there with my hands raised, “being filled with the Holy Spirit” and I was filled that night……I made people believe, I was mimicking what someone else was saying; ‘cooking by sight’ I was only lying to myself, God saw and He knew and I’m very sure I broke His heart by doing this.

I had a brief “walk” with God when I was younger, I was ‘cooking by sight’ I wasn’t really following the recipe book; the Bible. What I was doing was lying and pretending just so I could be accepted at church, I can’t even blame the people at church for not noticing because I played it well; ‘cooking by sight’

Years later I began, again, this walk with God, this time around I wanted to take it seriously, I prayed and asked God to give me a desire to want to be in His presence, a zeal and a passion to serve Him. I found myself going to church every Sunday, I remember saying “God when I get my car back I’ll definitely go to church” but He had other plans, I went to church every Sunday and when I didn’t I felt something was missing. I read His Word and I had no idea what it was saying; forget APPLYING it, I had no idea what that meant, I read and I prayed, kept on reading and kept on praying.
Its now clear the reason why I had to read; because I had to know what His promises to me are, I had to know who He is, I had to know what pleases Him, I had to know what His dislikes are, He sent me there, to His Recipe Book, to know more about Him. It’s a relationship, its like reading about my most favourite hero, it’s like putting in more of the same effort I put into getting a boy to like me. And THEN applying His Word to my life, His recipe to my dish. Cooking my life with His recipe, no longer looking at people trying to mimic their actions and words, I don’t have to, He has given me the words to speak from His Recipe Book, living my life as His Recipe Book commands, seeking Him, loving Him, talking to Him; as His Recipe Book shows me how to.

I just wanna say to anyone reading this that it’s okay if you don’t know what you’re doing. Its okay if you don’t know how to worship, God is looking for the pure in heart, to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Just be true to yourself because you really can’t lie to God, don’t fool yourself, be open about what you want from God. He said in His Word that if you delight yourself in Him, He WILL give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37 v 4).
Follow His Recipe wholly and totally and be careful not to miss any ingredient out and that’s where you’ll see yourself growing in Him, spiritually through His Holy Spirit.

God bless!!! J

Sunday 29 July 2012

Yahweh or the Highway

Yahweh –the Lord is God, I AM WHO I AM, the God of Israel,
He has a way,
A way of doing things,
A way to prosper you, to bring you into His marvellous light and keep you,
To bring you through trials and tests just to prove He IS God,
He will harden the heart of your Pharaoh,
He can put you through the pit,
Through it all it is His way,
God is looking for a people that will go His way; ALL the way,
He is looking for a people like Job,
He is preparing a people like that,
Yahweh wants people to choose His way,
His way is the best way and you’ll never see that till you’ve done been through your way,
On the road in your will, He’ll offer you many exits, He place people along the road of your way to give you a way out,
The best way, His way,
He doesn’t want you to do your way cuz your way will get you into trouble,
With the law and with your elders,
He doesn’t want to see you hurt,
His way is way better than yours,
Cuz He holds your tomorrow and the day after,
And forever,
He holds,
He knows you’re gonna fall if you walk down that road,
Don’t complain when He sends the workmen in to block the road off,
He says in His Guide Book that He plans for you are good and not evil,
Do not be discouraged or dismayed,
Just think what Joseph had to go through,
Through the whole way he remembered that he wants to do God’s way,
No one knows what happened, if Joseph even had a highway, I mean his way,
He had his eyes so fixed on God he was willing to suffer anything,
And acknowledge at the end that God in fact sent him there to preserve life,
My God! And His way eh?
His own Son,
God and Him one Son,
And even though His Son asked Him to take the cup away from Him,
He still did His Father’s way,
Our Father’s way,
Not our will but our Father’s be done.
It is His way,
If we don’t go through hard times we won’t be strengthened,
If people don’t kick us when we’re down we won’t know the strength we had, To use to get up,
We won’t know HIS STRENGTH made perfect in us when we’re weak,
We won’t know the feeling of invincibility through Him who strengthens us,
All in His way though,
We do have to surrender our will to His,
We do have to have no way but His way,
We have to desire His will above ours,
To see His way,
His wonderful way – not the highway - our way!

Be Inclusive - Not Exclusive

We are all called to Him,
All through one Spirit,
Saved by the same blood that was shed,
Baptised in the same Trinity,
Fair enough our callings are all different,
We are all One Blood and One Race now yeah?
Inclusive, including all, everyone’s welcome, open invitation, no one’s excepted,
God’s love brought us here in the first place right?
We are all here because of Him,
So what if God excluded you?
Told you you couldn’t be saved because you don’t have the right colour hair?
We know that don’t sound like God because He made you!
Like that,
Jesus walked the earth,
He spoke to whores and jammed with the sick,
The point of that was to save souls,
And we should be more like Christ init?
Have you ever spoken to a prostitute?
Not minister, not shove God down their throat, just a kind word, a hug?
Or did you quickly dismiss?
Did you know your blessing could be wrapped in them?
They could be the only one God doesn’t destroy,
That harlot,
And think of the story of Joseph the dreamer,
Sold, SOLD by his own brothers because he shared a dream,
Sent into Egypt to preserve life though,
Imagine, an ex-prostitute saving your life after you sold him/her out to save your own image,
Imagine your brother giving you life after you literally sold his……..
Remember the stone which was rejected by builders, became the CHIEF cornerstone,
You could be dismissing your blessing,
All inclusive,
Like a holiday ticket,
Leaving no rides, I mean no one out,
Including the leper, the drunk and that one over there with the foul mouth,
You may be the only Jesus someone sees,
But are you a TRUE representation of Him,
Are you sharing your testimony so that others can know how you came out?
What tools you used to survived,
Or are you finding your way out and then blowing the light out so others cant find their way?
Are you ALL in, inclusive?
Sharing the love that you found?
Are you?
Remember God poured out His Spirit on ALL flesh, Not just the kind hearted, not just the rich,
Upon all flesh, So not time, include the brother that don’t smell to right,
He may just need that to save his life
Be inclusive.....

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Spiritual Marathon - Never Give Up!

For you to finish the marathon; you have to start at the beginning,
Preparation and fitness go a long way in crossing the finish line,
Spiritually fit, are you?
Have you had your spiritual five-a-day?
Have you exercised the fruit of the Spirit today?
Have you?
Are you ready?
Remember this is not a sprint,
Your start has no memory to it,
It’s a marathon – it goes on for ages!
People will remember how you overcame “the wall”
People are going to remember how you recovered from you fall,
What will be remembered are the ones who were forgotten,
The ones who were at the back,
Who appear out of nowhere to win,
Your testimony – your past is just as important as where you are going,
Your baton you pass on to others to finish the race,
The more determination you have; the stronger you become,
Once you run out of excuses to not continue,
And stop leaning on people who are falling,
And things that don’t hold strong,
You find yourself at rock bottom, at “the wall”
And that’s where God needs you,
There, rock,
You find yourself there alone,
With God,
Because friends don’t understand,
And family have abandoned you,
You find yourself blaming whose fault it wasn’t,
But God!
Is there at rock bottom to be your,
To stand on, to rely on,
He starts to build you up,
Feeding His Word to you, in chunks you can digest,
And you find yourself with a lil more energy than you thought you had,
And that’s His Spirit,
He’s broken down “the wall” and He’s pushing you on,
And even though you may go where He doesn’t send you,
He’s still always there with you,
You know when become like Jonah and get lost in the marathon,
You think He’s giving you more than you can handle,And board the ship to Tarshish, get thrown overboard and end up in the fish’s belly,
When 3 days in there feels like 3 years – that’s where God works best,
When you have no place else to go!
God is there,
His Spirit pursued you,
Spat you out on to dry land, set you back on your way,
You find your Rock at rock bottom “the wall”
And on the Rock – the Solid Rock – you stand
When you can testify youre still standing
Still standing but on what?
The Rock!
And as heavy as your Rock is, it will cause you to float,
Like a butterfly,
And though the marathon may be a lil bit rough at times,
Youre standing on the Solid Rock that causes you to float,
Through to the finish line,
Not by power or by might BUT His Spirit,
Because God says you should,
You will,
Its in His will; He’ll make a way,
You just have to maintain your spiritual diet and exercise
And His Spirit will reside in you,
With Him what can you NOT do?
It’s a Spiritual Marathon – Never Give Up!!!!!

Sunday 1 July 2012

Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Family is more important than friends my mother used to say,
What’s family though?
What’s blood though?
Family: to protect, nurture, guide and love.
What if you have water like this and blood the complete opposite?
What then?
But what is blood?
Who’s blood?
Where is this blood?
The irony of being born again,
And having bloodshed, being a new man, taking right hand of fellowship into a new family,
Does that mean I’m part of a new family?
The blood that was shed on Calvary should run through your veins,
You have been born through your natural mother through natural birth,
Through the spiritual re-birth,
You have buried the old man,
Now you’re in Christ, old things have passed away,
Behold! All things have become new!
The blood that was shed now runs through your veins!
Your blood has now become thicker than blood and water,
A new family in Christ, all one in the body of Christ.
The point is your new family should take priority, precedence over your natural family,
You are now responsible for the upliftment and nurturing of your brothers, aunts and cousins in Christ,
As they are too,
Remember the blood, His blood, that seals the covenant God made with His people,
The sacred and holy blood of the ultimate sacrifice now runs through your veins
His blood is thicker than blood and water.

I Belong To You

Every week we have a rendition from the Sign Team at church. I’m almost never interested in the signing but what ministers to me most is the song they minister with. It’s the way the young man introduces the song, and even if they repeat a song, as they have done before, he always manages, through his relationship with God, shed new light on the whole song or a line in the song. We also have a theme/topic for each service and the young man tends to tie in the song with the theme/topic.

Last week Sunday 24/06/2012, the topic was Praise & Worship Sunday, we generally don’t have a theme for Sundays like that. The Sign Team did the song Conqueror by Vashawn Mitchell. I felt it, I sang it, I was with it, I knew all the words I believed it, I knew it! I AM a conqueror, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, I am, I am MORE than a conqueror” yeah it was cool. Bro. Troy’s introduction of it was well wicked as well, his words gave me a sort of conviction. I know I am MORE than a conqueror, Bro. Troy said when we say that we should say it like we believe it, stand on the words because it’s God’s word, believe it! I did.

Today Sunday 01/07/12 was Communion & Consecration Service, believers I need not explain that part and the topic was ‘Blood Is Thicker Than Water’ the song the Sign Team did was William McDowell’s ‘I Belong To You’, it’s a song I KNOW, when I say I know this song I mean I listened to it tons of times, I sang it yes. But the song Bro. Troy introduced was the title ‘I Give Myself Away’ by the same artist. This is actually funny because the song I Belong To You has a refrain in it from the song I Give Myself Away, or vice versa, either way they have the same words in both of them.

What Bro. Troy was saying, even though about the song I Give Myself Away, is that with true worship, you need to be totally and ultimately submitted to God, you need to literally give yourself away. You can go to church and lift your hands, sing jump and shout – that’s praise - but what is your heart like? I’ve heard this said about a sincere heart so many times but it hit home harder than usual.

Worship takes on a whole different meaning, to me, it’s where you reach that place with your God, where nothing else really matters, its where the Holy Spirit visits you and takes you to a place of worship and in the words of William McDowell’s song ‘Place Of Worship’ “don’t care who sees, don’t care who hears” it’s that place.

The moral of the story is: I had to question myself, while everyone else was praising to the song the Sign Team was ministering with, I was grounded to my seat, in deep meditation about my heart; my worship. Have I given myself away? Completely, holding nothing back. Have I? Am I trus  ting totally in His wisdom? Or leaning on my own understanding? Have I surrendered to His will? Or am I still tryna walk in my way? Does He have control? Or do I still try to tell Him how my life should be lived?
These questions stuck with me. How much am I really giving shouldn’t be a question. It should be all. You can’t give Him your heart without the rest of your body because your heart needs the rest of your body to function. It can’t work all by itself, give Him your whole self and stand behind Him and watch Him live life through you and be blessed.

Saturday 16 June 2012

The Genuine Article

Bank tellers aren't 'trained' to identify counterfeit notes,
They just know, its like an unwritten thing,
They handle the genuine article so much they just know something's amiss with this,
It don't feel right, it don't look right, it don't bend the way the others do.
Christians weren't born perfect,
They just know and accept the Truth and eternal life,
So should I compare Christians to bank notes? Or can I, should I compare them to something else?
A Louis bag?
I should really compare them to the Real Article
Do they speak gently like Him? Are they quick to forgive like Him? Are they slow to judge like Him? Do they leave judging to Him?
But sadly, very sadly sometimes Christians are like a fake Louis Vuitton bag
They have the label,
They pretend to walk like He did, but it ain't genuine,
There's a long list of things we do as Christians that just don't imitate Christ,
See God knew that we might be fake,
But He manifested Himself in flesh,
His Son,
To make up for our fakeness, our sins,
Cuz we all fall,
But we should get up,
His only begotten Son,
The Genuine Article,
To walk this earth we now roam,
As a living example,
He died so we could live,
Live as imitators of what He did,
He wept, He stooped, He spread the Gospel and spoke life,
He sacrificed, He submitted to His Father's Will,
And when He left He sent His Holy Spirit to convict our hearts when we fall out of our Father's Will
I am genuine, not by power, not by my might, but purely by His Spirit that is alive in me.
Now one last thing,
Would the real genuine article please stand up!

Sunday 3 June 2012

ONE Race, ONE Blood

Big lips,
Blue eyes,
Dark skin,
Skinny hips,
Thick thighs,
Pointy nose,
Straight hair,
Small eyes,
The definition of race is: a class of people with a specific identity and culture.
Sharing the same characteristics, for the most part the same beliefs, the same traditions,
Looking the same and talking the same.
One race.
But in the race for Christ the only thing that matters is the blood,
Is je ne sais quoi
Because what it does is changes our identity,
No matter how we look, what language we talk, no matter how we look,
Once we tap into His blood,
One songwriter puts it "doesn't matter what colour You are as long as Your blood was red"
Once we repent confess and accept,
Once His blood runs through our veins,
We change, the race no longer matters,
The race becomes irrelevant and insignificant,
The race becomes about the endurance and not speed,
We conform,
To His likeness,
On our lips is the language of love,
On our faces is the countenance of peace,
In our hearts is that joy unexplainable,
We become a peculiar people,
Set aside to stand out,
We become living ornaments of worship,
We are slow to judge and quick to forgive,
We become a spiritual class of people,
Our spiritual DNA runs from the cross at Calvary,
That blood we partake of as was written in 1 Corinthians 11:25,
We drink, we believe,
We are no longer bound to the races, beliefs or traditions of this world,
Receiving a blood transfusion,
To be one in Him,
To be under God,
ONE race, with ONE blood running through our veins,
Who's blood is in your veins?
Who's your Daddy?

Saturday 2 June 2012

Longsuffering: Blood, Sweat And Tears

Blood, Sweat And Tears
Blood of Jesus shed on Calvary,
Sweat droplets in the garden of Gethsamane,
In that same garden He cried out,
They say tears are a language He understands:
You'll never remember me for my trophy I held up in the end,
But you'll remember greatly if the enemy punched me and twisted my face to the side,
The story of Job isn't most called upon to remember the blessings he got back in the end,
But for the loss, pain and mockery he had to endure,
He had to endure!
His own friends had to question this God he chose to serve,
You sent Your Son to die on the cross,
And yes Lord, we remember His triumphant resurrection but whats laid up even more in our hearts?
The cross He had to carry,
The beatings He had to take,
The crown of thorns and the nails in His hands and feet,
He Had to endure,
He prayed so hard His sweat turned to blood,
That's the agony He had to go through,
He cried to His Dad,
"If it's Your will take this cup away from Me"
It hurts too much Daddy, I don't know if I can do it,
But He did it anyway,
Through Blood, Sweat and Tears,
He showed us the standard of a champion,
That all though it's okay to win,
Make sure it's for a cause,
"nevertheless, not My will but Yours be done"
When He said "it is finished" I'm sure He meant the blood, sweat and tears,
We can rejoice in death,
Because He did rise again,
True love suffers long, but true love lasts forever.

Thursday 17 May 2012

My Beauty

Life is short and family is limited,
I have never forgotten 2 tell you I love you,
I just didn't have 2 guts 2 say it,
Dearly beloved mother,
I love even the way you sniff,
That cough that distinguishes you in a crowd,
The prayers you covered us with,
The way you can't see stuff and have 2 ask us to read it,
Walking home in the dark from a long days' work,
I'm also so very sorry for the trouble I caused you,
I let everybody know that you raised me better than this,
Now watch me spin it round and make you proud,
I love you ma,
And I don't think I could EVER, EVER repay you for everything single little thing you've done in my life,
For giving me a love that extends 2 your grandkids,
It's a pity they don't have a mother like you,
No really, a real shame,
I wish I had an ounce of the grace you have,
The resilience and determination,
Thank you, but the Most High, for life,
Thanking Him for sending one of His angels 2 raise me,
Can't really express my gratitude on a piece of paper but still I try,
I love you ma,
A love these white sheets can't display 2 you,
But just so you know,
I love you.

Publish That Piece

Publish That Piece
I'm so scared I'm shitting bricks,
No don't excuse my language,
I am actually shitting bricks,
So scared of what people might think,
Though I should practice Revelation 12:11,
I am a new man in Christ Jesus,
I am no longer that person I wrote about,
It should be to help some next girl know that she can change,
Maybe I haven't changed,
Still that coward who takes in satan's lies,
Folds into herself like origami,
Folded so tight the real me cant stand up,
I pray daily for unfolding,
But faith without works is dead,
That piece could be the unfolding of me,
'Let it out Kristal, let it out'
"No I wanna hold on to it"
Hold on to the past like some gift given on Valentines' Day,
No wait I chucked that in the bin,
The old me needs to be binned and that piece could bin it,
I really can't see the big deal is though,
I can her my sis saying "cho a dat yu a gwaan suh fa?"
Making a big fuss ova nutn,
And still ain't saving that girl it's intended for,
Publish that piece and let it reach who it's supposed to!
...............Yeah maybe tomorrow...........
I'll publish that piece tomorrow........

So Wait

God please answer me this, I choose to live for you and you only then I lose everything?

Sometimes God takes away all that He didn't give you so He can bless you more abundantly,
Sometimes the things we have are more like distractions,
Sometimes He'll take them away to test our commitment to Him and to His ministry,
He, at no point in time, said it would be easy,
His own Son was tortured and beaten,
But the inking down of your name in the Lamb's Book Of Life has got to be worth it,
Sometimes God takes us back to where we were before we had anything,
Just to see if that inking down is worth it,
Job did it,
Sometimes God doesn't immediately deliver us when we ask,
But He will, oh yes He will,
All in His own time,
Just like He did the children of Israel,
Sometimes God, puts us through a mess just so we'll have a ministry,
Sometimes He'll not talk even though we're listening keenly,
Sometimes He'll make us try the impossible,
Just so He can prove Himself,
He likes to remind us the HE is in control,
So when nothing goes YOUR way,
Just ask God if it's going HIS way,
That's the best and only way things need to go,
Cuz like I said,
He is in control
Stay blessed


"I'd give anything and everything, to fall in love"
Yeah but would you give your soul? To Christ?

"Just this one time I'd like to find what I've been dreaming of"
Have you been dreaming of a love so pure and true where He died for sins YOU would commit?

"Well I could find someone to hold me, but that wouldn't be enough"
Falling into the arms of the Almighty Saviour,
Feeling the warmth of His embrace,
Hearing Him whisper, 'You are My child and I love you'
All this is enough,
More than enough

"I'd give anything to fall in love"
Then give your soul...... to God

"I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me"
I could show you love,
I could tell you to look at the beauty of the sunset,
The power in the smell of fresh rainfall,
The beauty of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly,
That;s love,
Look all around you'll see love,
But if you wanna KNOW love,
I'll point you to The Man,
Who can still love you even after the world ends!

"You don't know what it's like to love somebody"
Oh, I know!
I know a reliable, non-stop source of love, true love sacred and set apart love,
I know what it's like to love somebody

"Where do broken hearts go?"
I took mine to the altar,
Scraped them all up from the floor of the one who broke it,
And cried out to Him cuz I knew only He could mend it,
And then some,
He mended it then replaced it,
Reminded me that He needed me broken,
That was the only way I could see,
See Him as the mender of broken hearts,

"I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more just to be the man who walked 1000 miles to fall down at your door"
I often wonder if some would be willing to walk a million miles to be restored......,
What  would I do to prove my love for God?

"I didn't know why then, I found it was addictive love"
Yeah I was addicted,
To something higher,
More powerful,
Strange drug,
This drug set me free though,
Addictive love set me free,

"You give me butterflyz, Got me flying so high in the sky"
I aint flying yet Jesus,
But these butterflies I be getting at the mention of You name,
I may as well be,
Can't wait to be caught up in the sky,
Going home to meet my Saviour on high

"He's got a whole lot a love in His heart for you, girl"
Aint that great?
A love soooo great He left high to come save me,
From low,
How great a love,
Oh great love how can it be,
That He left high to save me

"For God so loved the world........."
Need I say more?
Y'all should know John 3:16,
But I take it personally,
Like 'For God so loved me'
Haha, He still loves me,
Mercies new everyday and growth spiritually,
Oh boy He loves me
When words leave me,
Wow Jesus loves me,
Yes Jesus loves me
John 3:16 tells me so!

And First Corinthians Thirteen tells me exactly how love should be!!

(Credits; In order of appearance)
I'd Give Anything - Gerald Levert
I Wanna Know What Love Is - Foreigner/Mariah Carey
To Love Somebody - Michael Bolton
Where Do Broken Hearts Go - Whitney Houston
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers
Addictive Love - Bebe & Cece Winans
Butterflyz - Alicia Keys
Love Reigns - Bugle Ft. Tarrus Riley


So there's this guy yeah,
He calls me beautiful,
He calls me virtuous,
He makes my heart flutter every time I think of him,
Just mere mention of the name and my mind is reduced to noodles,
I'm in love, I'm in awe, I'm.................,
Sometimes lost for words,
Sometimes only song will do,
At times I just sit and think about,
It's just so full this love,
So unconditional,
And I know that there's love for me too,
No this aint a one way street,
This love....phew!
Will go beyond the grave,
His love for me is what makes my heart beat everyday,
His love for me inspires me to breathe,
His love gives me hope for my future,
His love says He will NEVER leave me nor forsake me,
His love is full of promises,
His love means He can't break my promises,
His love made me love Him,
Kirk Franklin said 'there's something about the name Jesus'
Now I know what it is,
Don't ask me to explain it though,
It's unexplainable,
I just know that I have it,
I have Him,
Something about that name that makes me wake up laughing,
On and on I could go about this love,
This is real true love,
Not puffed and proud love,
But humble and sound,
Unchanging, undying,
I don't have to care what this world thinks of me,
I got that agape love from Him,
And I'm blessed and highly favoured,
That's what He said!!!

Monday 14 May 2012

Look Ma

Look Ma
I could say these words are from my heart,
But truth is, the are words from a bigger heart,
These words are from my soul,
Giving glory to The One the best way I know how:

Look Ma they recognising you today,
But its not just the one day you have to combat for our survival,
If only they could see the artillery you be packing,
Like its nutten,
Look Ma they be celebratin' today,
I know everyday you pray, asking The Man for an easier way,
They say there's a light at the tunnel but now you're just lookin' for the end,
Seems like it will never come Ma but you never did give up,
Kept on holdin' on,
Like your life did depend on it,
Our lives did depend on it,
Right now I just live to make you proud,
And to please God like you taught me,
He showed me,
I know right now it may seems like nothing's gonna happen for you,
But just keep praying to The Man, He will see you through,
Just like He did all them other times when we prayed,
Prayed just like you taught us to,
And I'll pray for you too Ma that's all I can give you now,
My prayers and this piece,
That really only wants to say,

Sunday 13 May 2012

It's Cool

It's Cool

It's funny how everything adds up,
Keep pushing and shoving me till I get fed up,
Never took the time out to ask me what's up?,
Never knew I was gone,
Funny how everything ends up,
Quite literally ends up,
Up to God and His sovereign power,
His infinite wisdom and undying mercy,
Never knew I was a child of Him huh?
Till it was too late,
But here's how the story ends anyway,
I pray for you to Him that He'll forgive you,
My heart is so still full of love FOR you,
I'm just not IN love WITH you,
I pray you'll change your ways cuz that's the only way I CAN change you,
Scuse me I'm being blasphemous,
Only He can change you,
The only power I have is to pray for you,
I really hope He forgives you,
Vengeance is Mine I will repay says the Lord,
But I don't want Him to pour His wrath on you,
I just hope you come to repentance soon,
Before He comes back,
And I heard it said He's coming back soon,
I forgive you now let's move on,
I just don't trust you,
Trusting you would mean going back,
And I did say lets move on!

Friday 11 May 2012

Church Hall vs. Dance Hall

I don't have a car no more so I can't go church this week,
Last year I wanted to go Reggae Sumfest, I rented a vehicle and take in the cost for air fare!
Time, nobody has enough, church always a rush fi done,
Preacher: "I have to cut dis one short due to time constraints"
Not once a Reggae Sumfest mi hear de artist seh him a stick to time,
More time a police haffi come and lock off de ting!
Everybody cuss when dance lock off too early but quick fi run outta church before offering collect,
Offering collecting everybody skint, stingy and giving greedily,
Vybz Kartel's gonna be around next week,
Yeah I know that, from last year it's been in my diary,
And I've got more than enough money to go,
Okay, okay, I know the Bible said come just as you are, okay, fair enough but when you goin dance 'hair did, nails did, everything big' another expense that coulda gone in the offering plate,
I can't go church dis week man I'm broke,
Yow my yute Aidonia is town mi a go pree him even if mi haffi walk yow......
Imagine Christ saying hey yow Daddy mi nah go tek no beating wid whip and walk no long way fi dead fi nobody enuh, mi wha go pree Tarrus Riley,
Imagine dat eeh,
Forsaking a whole nation a people just fi go tek een one artist,
And if we are to be like Christ, aren't we supposed to save the nations?
Dat again, whine up and bruck out inna de dance but when it comes to jumping for His glory we all worried about who's looking and what they thinking,
I include myself, I am like this.... Who do you think inspired this piece?
No I can't move without a lil drink mayne, need the juice to intoxicate me, 'pass anoda bokkle, pass anoda bokkle'
Not once have I asked for the Holy Spirit to intoxicate me in order to "sing along and bruck loose for His glory"
There's nothing wrong with dancing for Jesus,
It's just that I didn't want people to look at me and say.... OMG, she's a weirdo.
They did it in the dance though,
Pointing fingers and laughing, discriminating and criticizing,
Saying I can't dance and I can't sing,
But my point remains,
I did it there despite of what they said,
Why should at church it be any different?
Something happens when I sing to Him,
When I call on His name and ask for more of His spirit,
Something ignites in the depths of my soul,
A part of me I didn't even know existed,
It sends a msg to my brain saying
Be not thoughtful of what your neighbour might think,
And when it manifests on the outside,
I really couldn't care less about who's lookin or what I'm saying
That said I don't know what I'm saying the Holy Spirit has taken over,
Filled me up and is using me as a portal of praise
Don't know why I didn't seek The Trinity earlier,
Wasted all my time at bus stops in the cold waiting to catch a bus then a train then 2 tubes to Wembley Stadium,
The money I wasted paying to go hear these artists fill my soul with nonsense,
Boi how I wish now that I went to that Goddy Goddy concert,
Woulda done me good, no lie,
But here I am Lord,
Thank you for your grace that's brought me back to your Throne of Grace,
Have your way with me, if you can use anything, you can use me,
I'm empty,
Restore and fill me Lord and use me for your Glory,
And let the next time I go to a dance, it's to minister to lost souls for your Kingdom
I need You to do that for me,
Just cleanse me, fill me and use me.

But Who Am I?

But who am I that for me He died?
But who am I that each day He makes me see the sun?
But who am I that His grace is enabling me each and every day?
But who am I that each time I sin He is again crucified?
But who am I that He forgives me each time?
But who am I that for me He created the world?
But who am I that He knew He would die but at no point in time did He say ‘Father take me back cuz these people don’t deserve your mercy’?
But who am I that, for me, He died….. anyway?
He was mocked, beaten, bruised, scorned, spat on, nailed, ridiculed, laughed at, betrayed and denied.
I am me, to some considered a nobody but to my Lord; a faithful servant
To my King I am considered a Queen of His Kingdom
To my Father I am considered an obedient daughter
To my Saviour I am considered worthy, worthy of His blood and the shame He faced
To The One, I am considered His one; His Chosen One
To Him I am considered beautiful, precious and worthwhile
And to me I consider myself blessed and highly favoured
I am His masterpiece, I have purpose, I have a praise, I have a song, I have a testimony, I have a Father who knows my future, He knows my heart and He hears my prayers
So who am I? “I am somebody because the God that I serve doesn’t specialize in junk, He specializes in jewels” :-D

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Marriage Is A Ministry

Not many people know this, in fact, I didn't know up until very recently. I read it before but didn't understand, that and submission. I got it when someone described serving your husband like serving God, you first have to submit to God - to His will and His way before you understand how to submit to a man. That's how a marriage works. But how does that explain how marriage is a ministry? It doesn't, it just gives a background but this is how I understand how it works: you learn through singleness how to submit to God how to listen to Him when He speaks and understand His way. You know what pleases Him and what He dislikes and you live your life according to what pleases Him. That sounds like a lot to give to a man doesn't it? Well that's exactly how a marriage works! Imagine now you're physically single but in a relationship with God, you're submitting to God though. God sends to you a man that He has ordained - think of how a pastor has to go through training exams and tests then he is ordained in the church as a pastor - same way God has put a man who's to become a husband through the motions, testing his faith and patience, his love for God before ordaining him as someone's husband. God only picks the best for His children, not only that but God, after testing these men, sees whether or not they're suitable for YOU! And after putting His man through all this He wants a woman to treat His ordained king properly. The same way you treat God - except worshiping him of course - that part is left for God, that goes without saying. 
But that is how it should be, wives submitting to their husbands and obviously - this way - you serving a man of God is a ministry. 
So take your time, worship your God, know your God, please your God, know what true submission means. Don't rush into it because marriage is for a lifetime, as is serving your God. 
1 Corinthians 7 v 34 - the difference between a married woman and a single woman. 
Where are you? 

Monday 7 May 2012


This one is for the WOMAN of God, 
This one is for the 9-5 working WOMAN of God, 
This one is for the going to night school WOMAN of God, 
This one is for the WOMAN of God who has the loudest praise because she has a lot to give thanks for, 
This one isn't for any ole' woman, 
This one is for the WOMAN of God, who still trusted God when she couldn't see anything in the cupboard,
This one is for the WOMAN of God who kept herself for God, 
This one is for the WOMAN of God who had the option to sell her body for food but gave her soul to God instead knowing that He would provide, 
This one is for the WOMAN of God who has her childrens' eyes looking back at her, as she looks back from the empty cupboard,
This one is for that WOMAN of God, 
That one who smiled through the pain, 
That one who praised even so much more harder through the pain, 
That one who taught her children how to pray, 
That one who loved God in spite of her circumstances, 
That one who can't see a way out even today, 
That one who is being dragged through life by the hem of His garment refusing to let go, 
That one who will accept the crumbs from the Masters table, 
That one who can't see tomorrow but trusts The One who holds it, 
And that one who is being ridiculed for her faith, 
That one who seems to have lost hope.......but is still holding out hope, 
That one who thinks it's easier to sin than live like this......but holds on anyway, 
That one who can't see any light at all in that tunnel.....but holds on anyway, 
This one is for that WOMAN of God, that God-fearing, walk to church if I have to, pay my tithes even if it means I'm gonna be broke, sing with my sore throat, sleep at church not to miss a service, build a ministry from ground up, sing in the choir, sing on praise and worship, do the announcements, do hospitality, be moderator........ 
This is for that WOMAN who knows God is her everything and she behaves like He's the only one for her, 
This is for her..... God sees and He knows, He'll never leave you alone, to Him; you're the only girl in the world, He'll never leave you or forsake you and that you are a Queen in His eyes. 
My sistren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 
Taken from James 1:2-4


Have you ever seen those movies where people are diagnosed with a terminal illness? How they go to 39 different doctors in 12 different countries and already undergone 48 types of treatment, then there's a scene when they're in the hospital chapel or wherever praying, crying and seeking God for a miracle? As a last resort they cry out to God. They've exhausted all other options and I'm sure the doctors have exhausted all methods and plans and "there is nothing more we can do". That's it, they're sent home to die. Then the in the scene where they're in the chapel calling out to God goes a lil like this 'God I know you're there, sorry I didn't believe in you, I need a miracle, I know you can hear me, heal me, I need a miracle'. 
I sometimes believe that God will stick people in a situation just to remind them that He is God, he is Jehovah Rophe, or Jehovah Jireh, or whoever He needs to be in the circumstances. 
It's such a shame that we have to reach this point before we cry out. It's such a shame that He is a last resort but in the same breath it's a marvelous thing that people remember Him as THE One, the only one, with all the answers and it takes a simple prayer to restore financial health, physical health, relationship health and all the other things we need. It's not easy to let go and let God. You have to know Him for His infinite wisdom and trust Him enough to know that He'll NEVER let you fall. Then the rest is easy, hand it over to Him or He will force you into a place where He can remind you He's the only way out. He'll do it if He has to. 
But it doesn't have to be that way. From the beginning He gave us choice, so what will you choose today? Will you let Him be the God of first choice or last resort?Either way He is God! 

Friday 4 May 2012


Hi, you alright? 
Yes I replied, I lied giving a smile as reassurance
She couldn't see through me though, 
Throughout the whole day I repeated this process 
Until the 15th person asked me, 
No I'm not okay, 
See I didn't understand as mature Christians in the faith they will drop what they're doin 2 comfort you and hear your story
I just thought they were asking it in passing not knowing that hearin you and helping me was giving Him glory....
Aaaaahhh see that's why the devil was whispering in my ear saying 'they don't really care yano, they're just asking as courtesy, no one wants to hear your sad stories or what sin you committed last night. They're here for the own eternal safety' 
Look up 'Christian' and I'm sure it will say 'one who is like Christ' and that in itself is self explanatory 
You can sit in a corner a cry but when you're done get on the phone and tell someone why! 
"As A Christian be a good Samaritan"
Drop what you're doing sometimes to help another fella out 
Love selflessly and unconditionally 
Nuh mek tru dem tell yu seh dem commit sin carnally
Yu a go turn judgemental, 
For He shall judge you and what will be your answer then? 
Self pity and bitterness will consume you, 
Leaving you dried up and feeling used, 
I wonder why I don't have anyone to talk to, 
Doesn't anyone care? 
Can anyone not see the hurt I'm feeling? 
Oh no they can't, 
Cuz the devil not only fools YOU into thinking you're 'okay',
He also gives you the mechanisms you need to display, 
The 42 teeth smile, the lies, the bubbly nature, 
He'll even use someone else if he has to! 
So I implore you, I beg and beseech you,
Please don't keep it to yourself, 
Write it down if you have to, 
Make a recording of it,
Whatever way feels best to you,
And just let someone know you're hurting, 
Cuz if you don't, there's nothing they can really do to help you, 
So just speak, 

Imagine Me

Imagine me though,
Being truly free,
Free to lift my hands, 
Free to say AMEN!
Imagine me, 
Not caring what the world thinks of me, 
Not caring about how mad I may seem, 
Imagine me, 
I can all but too well imagine me, 
But that's the problem....... I'm imagining ME! Without HIM! 
Now that's just flawed, 
Since my daily prayer is: Kill my flesh Lord, I desire to be nothing but You're Holy Spirit, 
Now I have to imagine me WITH Him, 
Now I can imagine me with power, 
I can imagine when I pray that what I ask for I will receive, 
I can imagine the tearing down of strongholds 
And I can imagine me not because I want to imagine ME but because THROUGH Him: I CAN, 
I can see Him using me, 
I can see I have hope Jeremiah 29:11
I can see a blessing through the stress, 
And I can see the PAIN is a PROCESS to the PURPOSE,
I can see......... His purpose being fulfilled in me, 
Not for me but for His glory, 
I am just a portal for His light to shine through, 
And if His light aint shining, 
Me,by myself I'm just a lighthouse with no light, 
So I call upon Him daily,
To kill my flesh so I don't have to be useless, 
And thank Him in advance for my tests that will only make my lighthouse taller and brighter, 
So when I leave this earth He will say well done 
And not send me back to the kitchen cause by then it would too late to be re-done
Imagine Him...........