Wednesday 29 August 2012


Sometimes you have to go away to see God in a different light,
Today, He took me into the countryside,
I'm giving thanks for sight today,
A drive in to the countryside made me appreciate the gift of sight,
Made me appreciate how much God takes care of us WITH His earth,
Showing me His sky,
Which is where I got my favourite colour,
The sun is out, it's heat pelting down,
You'd never know it through the trees that provide a perfect shade,
I saw hills that beckoned, nearly teased me to climb them just to see what's on the other side,
I saw, from hills, streams of water that just trickled delicately down,
Singing a soft tune,
Trickling down melodies,
Showing off their Daddy, their Maker,
I saw cows that provoked memories of a simpler time in my life,
He knows I love to see running water or large bodies of still water and today He showed me them in abundance,
Reminding ME of my Maker,
I saw baby sheep feeding in the fields reminding me that He is my Shepherd,
I shall not want,
And how He provides food for them to eat,
How much more so He will do for me,
I saw hills that looked nearly impossible to climb and reminded me that I can do all things through Him,
Those same hills, mountains even, went up to glorious peaks,
Showing off His creativity
The simplicity of breathing,
The creativity of His 'man'
How He provides ALL we need to thrive...
All in all reminding me that He is....

Tuesday 28 August 2012


Say what you mean,
Mean what you say,
Don't let it leave your mouth if you're not willing to do it,
Rebuke it from your thoughts if you know you can't handle it,
Believe life and death is in the power of your tongue,
So if you say it.....
I don't need to spoon feed you,
You should know what time it is,
It's time to start owning up to your thoughts,
Cuz they soon become your words then actions,
It's time to stop making empty promises,
It's time to stop making promises you have no intentions to fulfill,
That, friends, is what we call a lie,
It's that time to start owning up to what you think,
Because, again, thoughts become words become actions,
It's time for a heart check,
1, 2, check,
Stop thinking what you don't mean,
Then it won't be so hard to say what you mean,
Even then even easier to mean what you say


You only live once I heard them say,
I can do whatever I want in this life,
I only live once,
I can treat His temple the way I please,
I only live once,
In this life there's only one shot,
There's no resits, no do-overs, no re-takes,
So here's your options:
Live right or live wrong,
You only live once so are you going up or down?
You only live once so do you want to burn in hell or reign with Him with a crown?
You only live once,
You only have one chance to get it right,
You only live once,
There's only one chance to end up high and holy,
You only live once,
There's only one chance to follow Him solely,
You only live once,
I think I've said that enough,
But you only live once
So go, take a shot.
"you gon' live forever whether you want to or not,
Some of us gon' end up holy, some of us gon' end up hot" - Lecrae


I conned my self into thinking that I was okay in the world,
Dirty words flowed out of my mouth,
Addictions filled my soul
CONvinced myself this is the right way to go,
This is the way to survive,
Low and sinful,
CONvinced I was doing right,
This was before I came in contact with the Holy Spirit,
Unseen but His presence felt,
I was in God's court, a CONVICT,
On trial for my sins I committed,
I wasn't afraid,
As I knew of the gentle forgiveness God gives,
Just before he sends His Holy Spirit to CONVICT one's heart,
The Holy Spirit CONVICTs your heart and changes your lifestyle,
Words leave your mouth unexplainable,
Feelings tingle your body making you wanna cry out to Him,
The work of the precious Holy Spirit,
And by that you're CONVICTED,
You WANT to change your ways,
You want to feel His grace,
You want to dwell at His feet,
You want Him to be your Saviour,
Then after that it goes past a want or desire,
You get to the point where you NEED His holy presence,
Congratulations you're CONVICTED,
Glory to His name you're CONVICTED

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Recipe For Life

At the end of this God wants you to search your heart for the answer…….

I was having a conversation with my aunt the other day about a certain meat I don’t like because every time I make it it comes out different, sometimes good and sometimes bad.

She asked meDo you follow a recipe?”
I answeredNo I don’t you know, I cook by sight
She then saidWell, if you follow a recipe, it will come out good every time

My auntie loves a good recipe book and has a whole shelf in her kitchen dedicated to recipe books, she’ll pop one out every time she making something and won’t cook without a recipe unless she studied a recipe and feels confident enough to cook a dish without one.
I don’t, I just learnt to cook by throwing in whatever you have and what seems like it will go with something; adjust if necessary, taste and add.

Something about this stirred my spirit days later, I can’t remember what I was thinking about but I applied this to the Christian walk.
When I first got baptised, I did it because it was what everyone else what doing, I was doing it by sight and not because I referred to “the Recipe Book” I went to baptism classes and when asked why do I want to get baptised; I gave the most generic, cliché answer: because I believe that Jesus died on the cross. While that was true; I did believe Jesus died for me, I had no idea why! Why did God send His Son to die for my sins? What is sin anyway? It meant nothing to me at the time. I was living a Christian life by sight, I was getting baptised because every one was getting baptised, I wanted to fit in, I wanted to roll with the cool kids and say I was baptised, I wanted to wear that label.
When the altar call was made to be filled with the Holy Spirit, I was there with my hands raised, “being filled with the Holy Spirit” and I was filled that night……I made people believe, I was mimicking what someone else was saying; ‘cooking by sight’ I was only lying to myself, God saw and He knew and I’m very sure I broke His heart by doing this.

I had a brief “walk” with God when I was younger, I was ‘cooking by sight’ I wasn’t really following the recipe book; the Bible. What I was doing was lying and pretending just so I could be accepted at church, I can’t even blame the people at church for not noticing because I played it well; ‘cooking by sight’

Years later I began, again, this walk with God, this time around I wanted to take it seriously, I prayed and asked God to give me a desire to want to be in His presence, a zeal and a passion to serve Him. I found myself going to church every Sunday, I remember saying “God when I get my car back I’ll definitely go to church” but He had other plans, I went to church every Sunday and when I didn’t I felt something was missing. I read His Word and I had no idea what it was saying; forget APPLYING it, I had no idea what that meant, I read and I prayed, kept on reading and kept on praying.
Its now clear the reason why I had to read; because I had to know what His promises to me are, I had to know who He is, I had to know what pleases Him, I had to know what His dislikes are, He sent me there, to His Recipe Book, to know more about Him. It’s a relationship, its like reading about my most favourite hero, it’s like putting in more of the same effort I put into getting a boy to like me. And THEN applying His Word to my life, His recipe to my dish. Cooking my life with His recipe, no longer looking at people trying to mimic their actions and words, I don’t have to, He has given me the words to speak from His Recipe Book, living my life as His Recipe Book commands, seeking Him, loving Him, talking to Him; as His Recipe Book shows me how to.

I just wanna say to anyone reading this that it’s okay if you don’t know what you’re doing. Its okay if you don’t know how to worship, God is looking for the pure in heart, to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Just be true to yourself because you really can’t lie to God, don’t fool yourself, be open about what you want from God. He said in His Word that if you delight yourself in Him, He WILL give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37 v 4).
Follow His Recipe wholly and totally and be careful not to miss any ingredient out and that’s where you’ll see yourself growing in Him, spiritually through His Holy Spirit.

God bless!!! J