Monday 7 May 2012


Have you ever seen those movies where people are diagnosed with a terminal illness? How they go to 39 different doctors in 12 different countries and already undergone 48 types of treatment, then there's a scene when they're in the hospital chapel or wherever praying, crying and seeking God for a miracle? As a last resort they cry out to God. They've exhausted all other options and I'm sure the doctors have exhausted all methods and plans and "there is nothing more we can do". That's it, they're sent home to die. Then the in the scene where they're in the chapel calling out to God goes a lil like this 'God I know you're there, sorry I didn't believe in you, I need a miracle, I know you can hear me, heal me, I need a miracle'. 
I sometimes believe that God will stick people in a situation just to remind them that He is God, he is Jehovah Rophe, or Jehovah Jireh, or whoever He needs to be in the circumstances. 
It's such a shame that we have to reach this point before we cry out. It's such a shame that He is a last resort but in the same breath it's a marvelous thing that people remember Him as THE One, the only one, with all the answers and it takes a simple prayer to restore financial health, physical health, relationship health and all the other things we need. It's not easy to let go and let God. You have to know Him for His infinite wisdom and trust Him enough to know that He'll NEVER let you fall. Then the rest is easy, hand it over to Him or He will force you into a place where He can remind you He's the only way out. He'll do it if He has to. 
But it doesn't have to be that way. From the beginning He gave us choice, so what will you choose today? Will you let Him be the God of first choice or last resort?Either way He is God! 

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